
How To Get Dead Coral Fan

This commodity is almost the non-solid block. For the original block, see Coral. For other kinds of coral, run into Coral (disambiguation).

Coral fans are not-solid blocks that come in 5 variants: tube, brain, bubble, burn, and horn.

Dead coral fans are the dead variants of coral fans.

Obtaining [ ]

Breaking [ ]

Coral fans and their dead variants can be mined instantly but can be obtained just when mined with a Silk Touch enchanted tool. Breaking coral fans without Silk Touch on destroys the coral fan.

Dead coral fans tin can just be obtained with a Silk Bear on pickaxe.[ane]

Natural generation [ ]

Coral fans and dead coral fans‌[ Bedrock Edition only ] naturally generate in coral reef structures.

Post-generation [ ]

Bone repast [ ]

When bone repast is used in warm ocean biomes, it has a gamble of generating coral fans.

Dead coral fans [ ]

In gild for coral fans to stay alive, they must exist placed in h2o. In Java Edition, coral fans can besides be placed outside of h2o every bit long equally one of the blocks surrounding it contains water. If placed exterior of h2o, they transform into their corresponding dead coral fan immediately‌[ Bedrock Edition only ] or later a few seconds‌[ Java Edition just ].

Wall Coral Fans [ ]

Wall coral fans cannot be obtained through vanilla means. In Java Edition, they are completely unobtainable, but in Boulder Edition, they can be obtained through add-ons or inventory editing, though the detail form is badly glitched to the point of existence completely nameless.

Usage [ ]

Coral fans and dead coral fans can be used for building or as ornament blocks.

Placement [ ]

All coral fans (and their dead variants) can be placed on the iv sides and the top surface of blocks; they cannot be placed on the bottom surface.

Pushing with pistons [ ]

Live coral fans cannot exist pushed by pistons (attempting to do and then results in the coral fan breaking). Dead coral fans can be pushed by pistons equally long as they volition still be "supported" in the new position (non floating).

Sounds [ ]

Normal (Alive) [ ]

Coffee Edition:

Sound Subtitles Source Description Resource location Translation fundamental Book Pitch Attenuation
Block broken Blocks In one case the cake has broken cake.wet_grass.break subtitles.block.generic.intermission 0.8 0.8 sixteen
None [sound 1] Entity-Dependent Falling on the block with fall damage block.wet_grass.fall None [sound one] 0.5 0.75 xvi
Block breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken block.wet_grass.striking subtitles.cake.generic.hit 0.25 0.five xvi
Block placed Blocks When the block is placed 0.8 0.eight 16
Footsteps Entity-Dependent Walking on the block block.wet_grass.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.15 1.0 16
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

Audio Source Description Resource location Volume Pitch
Blocks One time the block has broken dig.stone 1.0 0.eight-1.0
Players Falling on the cake with fall harm autumn.rock 0.4 1.0
Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken hitting.stone 0.37 0.5
Players Jumping from the block jump.stone 0.12 1.0
Players Falling on the block without autumn damage state.stone 0.22 1.0
Players Walking on the block pace.stone 0.3 1.0
Blocks When the block is placed dig.rock 1.0 0.8-1.0

Dead [ ]

Coffee Edition:

Audio Subtitles Source Clarification Resources location Translation central Volume Pitch Attenuation
Block broken Blocks Once the block has broken block.stone.suspension subtitles.block.generic.break one.0 0.8 sixteen
None [sound ane] Entity-Dependent Falling on the block with autumn damage block.stone.fall None [audio 1] 0.v 0.75 16
Cake breaking Blocks While the block is in the process of being cleaved cake.stone.hit subtitles.cake.generic.striking 0.25 0.5 16
Cake placed Blocks When the cake is placed subtitles.block.generic.identify 1.0 0.8 xvi
Footsteps Entity-Dependent Walking on the cake block.stone.pace subtitles.block.generic.footsteps 0.fifteen i.0 xvi
  1. a b MC-177082

Bedrock Edition:

Audio Source Description Resource location Volume Pitch
Blocks Once the cake has broken dig.stone ane.0 0.8-ane.0
Players Falling on the block with autumn damage fall.stone 0.iv i.0
Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken hitting.stone 0.37 0.v
Players Jumping from the block jump.stone 0.12 ane.0
Players Falling on the block without fall damage land.rock 0.22 1.0
Players Walking on the block step.stone 0.3 one.0
Blocks When the block is placed dig.rock 1.0 0.8-i.0

Data values [ ]

ID [ ]

Java Edition:

Name Identifier Form Block tags Translation central
Tube Coral Fan tube_coral_fan Block & Item corals
Brain Coral Fan brain_coral_fan Cake & Item corals
Bubble Coral Fan bubble_coral_fan Block & Item corals
Fire Coral Fan fire_coral_fan Block & Detail corals
Horn Coral Fan horn_coral_fan Block & Item corals
Dead Tube Coral Fan dead_tube_coral_fan Block & Item None block.minecraft.dead_tube_coral_fan
Expressionless Brain Coral Fan dead_brain_coral_fan Block & Particular None block.minecraft.dead_brain_coral_fan
Dead Bubble Coral Fan dead_bubble_coral_fan Block & Item None cake.minecraft.dead_bubble_coral_fan
Expressionless Burn Coral Fan dead_fire_coral_fan Cake & Item None block.minecraft.dead_fire_coral_fan
Dead Horn Coral Fan dead_horn_coral_fan Block & Item None block.minecraft.dead_horn_coral_fan
Tube Coral Wall Fan tube_coral_wall_fan Block underwater_bonemeals
Brain Coral Wall Fan brain_coral_wall_fan Block underwater_bonemeals
Bubble Coral Wall Fan bubble_coral_wall_fan Block underwater_bonemeals
Fire Coral Wall Fan fire_coral_wall_fan Block underwater_bonemeals
Horn Coral Wall Fan horn_coral_wall_fan Cake underwater_bonemeals
Expressionless Tube Coral Wall Fan dead_tube_coral_wall_fan Block None block.minecraft.dead_tube_coral_wall_fan
Expressionless Brain Coral Wall Fan dead_brain_coral_wall_fan Cake None block.minecraft.dead_brain_coral_wall_fan
Expressionless Bubble Coral Wall Fan dead_bubble_coral_wall_fan Block None cake.minecraft.dead_bubble_coral_wall_fan
Dead Fire Coral Wall Fan dead_fire_coral_wall_fan Block None block.minecraft.dead_fire_coral_wall_fan
Dead Horn Coral Wall Fan dead_horn_coral_wall_fan Cake None block.minecraft.dead_horn_coral_wall_fan

Bedrock Edition:

Proper name Identifier Numeric ID Form Particular ID[i 1] Translation key
Coral Fan coral_fan 388 Block & Giveable Detail[i two] Identical[i 3] tile.coral_fan.blue_fan.proper noun
tile.coral_fan.yellow_fan.proper name
Dead Coral Fan coral_fan_dead 389 Block & Giveable Item[i ii] Identical[i iii] tile.coral_fan.blue_fan_dead.proper noun
tile.coral_fan.pink_fan_dead.proper noun
tile.coral_fan_dead.red_fan.proper name
Coral Wall Fan
(tube and encephalon)
coral_fan_hang 390 Block & Ungiveable Item[i iv] Identical[i 3]
Coral Wall Fan
(bubble and burn down)
coral_fan_hang2 391 Block & Ungiveable Item[i 4] Identical[i three]
Coral Wall Fan
coral_fan_hang3 392 Block & Ungiveable Item[i iv] Identical[i 3]
  1. ID of block's direct item form, which is used in savegame files and addons.
  2. a b Available with /requite control.
  3. a b c d e The block's direct detail course has the same id with the block.
  4. a b c Unavailable with /requite command

Block land [ ]

Java Edition

Proper noun Default value Allowed values Description
waterlogged truthful false
Whether or not there's water in the aforementioned place equally this coral fan.


Proper noun Default value Allowed values Description
facing northward eastward
The management in which the coral fan juts out from the block it is fastened to.
For example, a coral fan facing north is attached to a block to its south.
waterlogged truthful false
Whether or not there's h2o in the same identify as this coral fan.

Bedrock Edition

Name Metadata Bits Default value Allowed values Values for
Metadata Bits
coral_color 0x1
blue bluish 0 Tube Coral Fan
pink i Brain Coral Fan
royal 2 Bubble Coral Fan
ruby-red 3 Fire Coral Fan
yellow four Horn Coral Fan
coral_fan_direction 0x8 0 0
The management the coral is facing. Due east-west or due north-south.


Name Metadata $.25 Default value Immune values Values for
Metadata Bits
coral_hang_type_bit 0x1 false false
Which coral it is; depends on the ID.
For hang false means tube and true means brain.
For hang2 false means bubble and true means burn.
For hang3 false mean horn.
coral_direction 0x4
0 0
The direction the top of the fan is facing.
  • 0: west
  • i: east
  • 2: north
  • 3: south
dead_bit 0x2 false imitation
Whether or not this coral is dead.

History [ ]

For a more than in-depth breakdown of changes to textures and models, including a fix of renders for each state combination, see /Asset history

Java Edition Archetype
May 21, 2009 Notch expresses interest in a suggestion regarding corals by user "solarblade".
Coffee Edition Alpha
June 28, 2010, Notch mentioned on his blog: "I tried adding corals, but it's really difficult to draw a single block that looks like corals since it'southward really more nigh crazy amounts of variation and multifariousness. But I do know that the corals will take tiny fish particles effectually them."
Java Edition
Oct 5, 2012 Coral were jokingly teased in the fake snapshot 12marc40awesome, along with fish as mobs and "fish blocks".
1.13 18w11a Tube Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Brain Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Bubble Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Fire Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Horn Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Added coral fans.
Coral fans currently practise non generate naturally.
18w14b Tube Coral Wall Fan (S) JE2.png Brain Coral Wall Fan (S) JE2.png Bubble Coral Wall Fan (S) JE2.png Horn Coral Wall Fan (S) JE2.png The textures of all coral fans, except fire coral fans, have been changed.
Blue, pink, purple, ruby, and xanthous coral fans have been renamed to tube, encephalon, bubble, burn down, and horn coral fans, respectively.
18w16a Coral fans now generate naturally in coral reefs.
pre6 v new sound events that apply to coral fans have been added: cake.wet_grass.intermission, block.wet_grass.fall, block.wet_grass.hit,, and cake.wet_grass.step.
pre8 Dead Tube Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Dead Brain Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Dead Bubble Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Dead Fire Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Dead Horn Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Added dead coral fans.
Tube Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Brain Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Bubble Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Fire Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Horn Coral Fan.png
Dead Tube Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Brain Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Bubble Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Fire Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Horn Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Coral fans tin now be placed on the tops of blocks.
pre10 Coral fans and their dead variants at present driblet themselves when mined with Silk Touch.
ane.thirteen.1 18w32a Bone repast used in the water of warm sea biomes at present has a adventure of growing coral fans, making them renewable.
Boulder Edition
1.4.0 beta ane.2.14.ii Tube Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Brain Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Bubble Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Fire Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Horn Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Added coral fans.
Dead Tube Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Dead Brain Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Dead Bubble Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Dead Fire Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Dead Horn Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Added expressionless coral fans.
Tube Coral Fan BE1.png Brain Coral Fan BE1.png Bubble Coral Fan BE1.png Fire Coral Fan BE1.png Horn Coral Fan BE1.png
Dead Tube Coral Fan BE1.png Dead Brain Coral Fan BE1.png Dead Bubble Coral Fan BE1.png Dead Fire Coral Fan BE1.png Dead Horn Coral Fan BE1.png Coral fans can be placed on the ground.
beta 1.2.20.ane Tube Coral Wall Fan (S) BE2.png Brain Coral Wall Fan (S) BE2.png Bubble Coral Wall Fan (S) BE2.png Fire Coral Wall Fan (S) BE2.png Horn Coral Wall Fan (S) BE2.png The textures of coral fans have been inverse.
Dead Tube Coral Wall Fan (S) BE2.png Dead Brain Coral Wall Fan (S) BE2.png Dead Bubble Coral Wall Fan (S) BE2.png Dead Fire Coral Wall Fan (S) BE2.png Dead Horn Coral Wall Fan (S) BE2.png The textures of dead coral fans take been changed.
Tube Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Brain Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Bubble Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Fire Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Horn Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png
Dead Tube Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Brain Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Bubble Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Fire Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Horn Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png The top textures of coral fans have been inverse.
1.16.0 beta Coral fans and their expressionless variants now drop themselves when mined with Silk Touch on.
1.sixteen.210 beta ane.16.210.51 Os meal used in water at present has a chance of growing coral fans.
Legacy Console Edition
TU69 1.76 Patch 38 Tube Coral Wall Fan (S) JE2.png Brain Coral Wall Fan (S) JE2.png Bubble Coral Wall Fan (S) JE2.png Fire Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Horn Coral Wall Fan (S) JE2.png
Dead Tube Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Dead Brain Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Dead Bubble Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Dead Fire Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Dead Horn Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png
Tube Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Brain Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Bubble Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Fire Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Horn Coral Fan.png
Dead Tube Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Brain Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Bubble Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Fire Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Horn Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png [ verify ]
Added coral fans and expressionless coral fans
Education Edition
ane.4.0 Tube Coral Wall Fan (S) BE2.png Brain Coral Wall Fan (S) JE2.png Bubble Coral Wall Fan (S) JE2.png Fire Coral Wall Fan (S) JE1.png Horn Coral Wall Fan (S) JE2.png
Dead Tube Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Dead Brain Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Dead Bubble Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Dead Fire Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png Dead Horn Coral Wall Fan (S) BE1.png
Tube Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Brain Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Bubble Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Fire Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Horn Coral Fan.png
Dead Tube Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Brain Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Bubble Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Fire Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png Dead Horn Coral Fan JE1 BE2.png
Added coral fans and dead coral fans.

Issues [ ]

Problems relating to "Coral Fan" are maintained on the bug tracker. Report issues there.

Gallery [ ]

References [ ]

  1. MC-135783


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